Thursday, October 30, 2008

Introducing myBoxTone Expert!

Tomorrow BoxTone will announce a new product called myBoxTone Expert. The product addresses a problem that has not been thought about for any smartphone, let alone a BlackBerry. That is the problem of helping a BlackBerry user with issues that may arise on their device. After seeing our pal Al Sacco make mention of the app this morning, I just had to get myBoxTone Expert up and running on my BlackBerry Bold. Continue reading after the jump for a whole lot more on this excellent enterprise application.

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Google Calendar Sync Updated To 0.4.7 - No Change Log

Just got a bunch of tips that the Google Calendar Sync tool has been updated from version 0.4.6 to 0.4.7. Sadly it does not look like they added contact sync which I was hoping for. Actually I can't really find anything new in this version and Google did not provide a change log

You can pick up the latest version at:

Thanks Enrico, Chris, & Datel

Vlingo 2.0 Officially Launched - Cool Stuff

Eric sent over this press release from Vlingo announcing the launch of version 2.0 of their product. I have not had a chance to try it myself but this newer version look extremely promising! The new 2.0 version adds the ability to speak Facebook and Twitter status updates, support for 10 new applications, full-text message read-back, "tell-a-friend" and SureType support.

The new version of vlingo includes the following additions:
Voice updates to Facebook & Twitter status updates
Full keyboard support including SureType
Read-back of the full text or email message that was spoken
Tell A Friend about Vlingo
The ability to launch built-in programs:
Address Book, Alarm, BrickBreaker, Calculator, Calendar, Camera, Maps, Media, MemoPad, Messages, Options, Tasks, & Web browser
The ability to launch third party programs:
Facebook, Google Maps, & Opera

Vlingo is available for the 8100, 8300, & 8800 series at this link for OTA install or you can head to from your desktop.

OS For 8130 8330 & 8820 Found Online!

Our secret agents came through for us again today with OS links for the 8130, 8330, and 8820. These seem to be the latest OS versions to the best of my knowledge.

Check them out at:

8130 -
8330 -
8820 -

Let us know in the comments what you find different in this version!

NOTE: Do not install this software if you do not know what you are doing. It may make your BlackBerry FUBAR or just plain angry.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

And We Thought Touchscreens Were Cool... Try Touchless!

CRAZY. Just saw the video above and had to post. For all of you who love having a big display on your smartphone but hate the thought of fingerprint-smudged glass, youll be glad to hear there is a company working on the solution to your problem... enter eyeSight.

The video above features Itay Katz, CEO of eyeSight, as he explains and demonstrates eyeSights touch-free smartphone technology. Now all we need is a BlackBerry with a forward facing camera and to get these guys developing for the BB platform. RIM? BlackBerry Partners Fund? We reading this??! Lets get it done! :-)

[ Source ]'s feed sponsored by And We Thought Touchscreens Were Cool... Try Touchless!

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Free ‘Winter Scene’ Custom Zen Theme for the Curve

Kristy recently filled us in on a new theme she designed called Winter Scene' Custom Zen. Main page icons are customized in a downhill fashion and images have that cool winterish look and feel. The icons are unique and go nicely with the backgrounds. I think this is an all around nice looking theme especially if your favorite season is winter. Now you can carry your own winter wonderland' with you everywhere you go :0)

OTA links are accessible via here.

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RIM Recommends Opensource Tools For Transcoding Video

I came across this interesting knowledge base article RIM posted a bit back. In it somebody at RIM describes how to transcode video from an unsupported format to a format that will play on your BlackBerry. It is actually a pretty decent guide but one part of it really stuck out. Guess what software RIM recommends for transcoding video?

They recommend the very powerful opensource MediaCoder application. They also recommend that you use the free GSpot or Sherlock codec information applications to see what kind of file you are dealing with. They even recommend the free command line MEncoder application.

Kudos to RIM for being so open minded!

At the end of the knowledge base RIM's lawyers have fun with some classic CYA:

Your use of third party software, hardware, products, and/or services (collectively, the "Third Party Information") shall be governed by and subject to your agreement with the third party, including without limitation, your agreement to the terms of separate Third Party Information licenses, if any. Any Third Party Information that is provided with or without RIM's products and/or services is provided "as is". RIM makes no representation, warranty or guarantee whatsoever in relation to the Third Party Information and RIM assumes no liability whatsoever in relation to the Third Party Information even if RIM has been advised of the possibility of such damages or can anticipate such damages. The inclusion of Third-Party Information herein does not imply endorsement by RIM of the Third Party Information or the third party in any way. RIM does not control and is not responsible for any Third Party Information or the use of such Third Party Information, including without limitation, the content, accuracy, intellectual property issues, compatibility, performance, trustworthiness, legality, decency, links, or any other aspect of the Third Party Information.

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Advanced Users! CrackMem - The Ultimate OS Install Customizer

We have been mentioning a few tools for advanced users over the last few days. I think it is important to shine a light on these great applications that simplify tasks that used to be time consuming. We mentioned CrackMem before but never in its own post. It lets you choose what OS to install to your device while letting you completely customize the BlackBerry ALX file that you used to have to edit by hand.

CrackMem lets you easily:
Remove the vendor.xml
Remove the sample video and/or preloaded wallpapers
Remove Voice Activated dialing
Remove carrier themes
Remove TTY
Remove Yahoo, MSN, or AIM
Remove MyFaves
Remove Push To Talk

I wanted to thank Pete and his hard working team for all their hard work while creating and improving this app!

The best part is that it is completely free. Just check out its thread on CrackBerry or BBForums for more info.

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Viigo unleashes NBA service

Here's something you may not know about me: I am a HUGE NBA fan. I cheer CB4, Jose Ole and the Hump through the best of times and the worst. I will never forgive He Who Shall Not Be Named. I bleed Raptors red.

So it was a great thing to learn today that Viigo has launched a new NBA service just in time for the start of the 08-09 season (the Raptors start their season off against the 76ers tomorrow night, in case you were wondering). Typical of Viigo, the NBA service is tricked out way beyond simple NBA news feeds, offering a variety of features perfect for ballheads like myself. For example, while viewing the upcoming NBA schedule, you can add specific games of interest (Raps vs. Lakers on Nov. 30th, for example) to your Calendar to make sure you don't miss them. Another great one is the Scores feature, which allows you to view the latest scores from around the Association while they're being played.

You can see a bunch of screen captures of the new NBA service for Viigo. To add them, follow this path in your Viigo client: Sports -> Add Sports -> Basketball.

(c) Douglas Soltys for BlackBerry Cool, 2008

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CompUSA sells Blackberry Bold, and you thought Best Buy was expensive

Just when you thought only a crazy person would pay $679.99 for a Blackberry Bold from Best Buy, CompUSA goes and ups the ante. Now, for the bargain price of $799.99, you can have your very own Unlocked BlackBerry Bold! Guess what? For just another $149.98 you can "protect your investment" (at $800, you might as well consider it a poor investment) by adding an extended service plan. Is this the sign of a weak economy and a weak dollar? How does CompUSA go about pricing a device like this when just a few months ago they were closing up shop and selling all their furniture? Whatever the case may be, according to the site they have units in stock and available to be shipped out today. If there's anyone who can't wait the extra few days to score one from Best Buy or AT&T, time to break out that plastic. Anyone else notice that they're also using a Rogers branded Bold in the image by the way?

[Thanks, David!]


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Saturday, October 25, 2008

Security flaw found in T-Mobile’s G1 Android phone

A group of security researchers uncovered a security flaw in the web browser portion of Android that runs on the G1. According to researcher, Charles A. Miller the flaw could be exploited when a G1 user is tricked into visiting a malicious Web site. Malicious code on the website could then use this exploit to install software on the G1 that may, among other things, log keystrokes. Google has acknowledged the security flaw and points out that the sandbox-nature of Android limits the damage to a single application. Unlike other smartphones (read: iPhone) and PCs, this security flaw only affects the web browser and will not compromise any other portions of the phone. Google has already patched the open-source version of Android and is currently working with T-Mobile and HTC to get the security patch out to current T-Mobile customers. Hooray for OTA software upgrades as G1 owners now just need to wait for T-Mobile to push the patch out to their phone! Happy and soon-to-be-safe Android browsing!


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Friday, October 24, 2008

Zhiing - Mobile Social Networking With Location

Zhiing just let me know about their new application. Essentially Zhiing helps you locate people while on the go. It also is a great way to send addresses to each other. The nice part is that it has a BlackBerry, iPhone, Dash Express GPS, & Browser client so you can send zhiings between them. A zhiing is essentially a note with a location (I know I am not doing a good job of explaining this but I am a bit confused myself and their site is really slow)

Check out Zhiing for yourself at or follow the download directions at this link. The site is a bit slow to load on my end so you may have to wait a bit. As with most other social tools this is only really useful if you have friends also using it

Some idea of what you would do with Zhiing:
Your friend just zhiinged your phone with her location so you can meet up for a drink.
You found a great restaurant online on your computer. Send a zhiing to yourself and a friend with info on what time to meet up via the browser add-on for Firefox, Flock, Explorer, Safari or Chrome.
Don't want to forget where you parked your car? zhiing yourself!
Stranded on a dark corner in the middle of nowhere? zhiing for a ride.
Your business lunch plans have changed and nobody knows where to go — zhiing everyone from your final destination.
On the beta release, only iPhone, BlackBerry and Dash Express users will see the zhiinged location on the map along with turn-by-turn directions. Other users will simply receive text directions to the zhiinged address, but they'll still be able to meet you once you've zhiinged! More mobile platforms with the same great features will be supported on subsequent releases.

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Pageonce Personal Productivity Assistant - Login To Your Accounts

Pageonce sent me a press release about a cool new application they just released for BlackBerry. They dub Pageonce a personal productivity assistant but I see it as more of a collector of information or a portal that mobilizes information.

Pageonce essentially gives you access to accounts and information that you could not easily get on your Berry. This includes accounts from: Chase, Citibank, Bank of America, Wells Fargo, Fidelity, United, Delta, Southwest, Comcast, AT&T, Amazon, eBay, Barnes & Noble, Blockbuster, and thousands more.

I don't know how comfortable you feel about giving your login information to Pageonce but the application has potential.

I would recommend checking it out at:
OTA Download:

Thanks Tashanna for also sending this one in!

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Google Maps Now Finds "My Location" With WiFi

Just to let all of you know Google pointed out that they have update their My Location to take advantage of WiFi. It will now use their beta technology of WiFi access point locations to assist in finding your location. According to Google this will work hand in hand with devices that are already using GPS or cell tower triangulation to narrow down your location.

I am not sure how much of a difference this will make on a device with strong cell signal and GPS but you never know. I don't think you need to upgrade to take advantage of this but I could not confirm that. Hell this upgrade may not even be relevant to BlackBerrys but they do use a Berry in their funny demonstration video

If you don't already have Google Maps I highly recommend picking it up at

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HOT! First Web Signals Push Services Released - NYTimes, Accuweather, Reuters, Fox News, CBC, & Thumbplay

While browsing the website I came across the first released Web Signals we told you about before. These Web Signals are essentially push alerts pushed by certain websites to your BlackBerry when you subscribe.

So far we have: Bits Blog Notifier - Learn about news & analysis as it happens with Bits Blog Notifier. With news & analysis on the tech industry through the day from NY Times writers & freelancers. - Get free constantly updated forecasts pushed to your BlackBerry smartphone. View radar, 10-day & hourly forecasts & severe weather alerts.
Reuters News Web Signals - Get breaking news with Reuters Web Signals on your BlackBerry smartphone. As news breaks, the Reuters icon changes & sends you to the story.
FOX News Alert - Be the first to know when news breaks. Download FOX News Alert & get instant alerts to breaking news directly on your BlackBerry Smartphone®.
CBC - Receive the day's top headlines and breaking news with the innovative CBC web signal for BlackBerry smartphones
Thumbplay Web Signal - Get content releases from Thumbplay. The Thumbplay icon sends you to BlackBerry compatible content like music, ringtones, games, videos & more.

You can check them out from your PC or BlackBerry at:

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SameCell Location Based Search Without GPS

SameCell let me know about a new free application that they just released. It essentially lets you do location based search based on the location of your cell tower ID. That way you can search near your location without GPS. It lets you search for places, services, weather and events near you.

Pretty interesting if you want to check it out but nothing groundbreaking. They essentially offer a bit more than Google Maps and Poynt in terms of specifying what you are searching for.

Check it out from your desktop at or pick up the application OTA at Let us know what you think!

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RIM Talks BlackBerry Storm Development

One of the true pleasures of being at the BlackBerry Developer Conference was the opportunity to finally meet RIM's Developer Support Guru, Mike Kirkup. Mike is a great guy and one of the heroes that helped to make the BlackBerry Cool 15 possible. He's also the man behind the Open Mike section of the BlackBerry Developer Newsletter, which has a special focus this month on BlackBerry Storm development. In addition to the BlackBerry Storm simulator video, the BlackBerry Developer Newsletter has Mike talking about Compatibility Mode' and Storm events at the BBDC, and links to a number of useful support documents about Storm development. Check them out below:

Open Mike with Mike Kirkup
BlackBerry Java Development Environment (BlackBerry JDE) v4.7 including BlackBerry Storm Simulator
BlackBerry Storm Simulator
BlackBerry Storm Gestures Document
BlackBerry Storm Shortcut Bar Document
BlackBerry Storm Development Guide

Don't forget to SIGN UP FOR THE BLACKBERRY DEVELOPMENT NEWSLETTER, so you're not the last to know about the latest in BlackBerry Development!

© Douglas Soltys for BlackBerry Cool, 2008. | Permalink | No comment | Add to
Post tags: BlackBerry Developer Conference, blackberry storm, developers, mike kirkup, product development

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AT&T BlackBerry Bold receives Technical Acceptance; Nov 4 launch, $300

We'll get right to the point on this one. One of our sources notified us last night that as of 6:00 PM EST yesterday, the BlackBerry Bold has officially received Technical Acceptance from Big Blue, meaning the handset has been approved for sale by the phone gods of AT&T. Typically, TA means the handset is about two weeks from launching but we had our fingers crossed that AT&T would somehow be fast-tracking the release since the Bold has already been delayed so many times. Unfortunately it doesn't look that that will be the case. Word is coming in now that AT&T has officially stated on this morning's earnings call, that the Bold will be released on November 4th. We still have it on pretty good authority that October 27th was intended to be the date - looks like AT&T and RIM just had to keep the tradition of delays alive one last time before launch.

UPDATE: This just in - $300 price point yall! (Thanks Carlos)

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Google Fixes Gmail For The BlackBerry And Java Phones

Google finally got around to fixing Gmail on the Blackberry and J2ME phones like the Nokia N95 or Sony Ericsson W910i. Now you can compose emails while offline. When you hit "send, they sit in the outbox until your handset finds a network again.

The offline capability will come in really handy on the subway. Now, my BlackBerry can do what Gmail on my iPhone and Android handsets can do. Just in time for the Blackberry Storm, too.

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FlyCast comes to BlackBerry November 1st

FlyCast today announced at the BlackBerry Developer Conference, where the company is a finalist in the BlackBerry Developer Challenge, that on November 1st, its mobile broadcast network will be ready for the BlackBerry Curve, BlackBerry Bold and BlackBerry Storm. FlyCast's mobile broadcast network is one of the first of its kind to be available for BlackBerry. It will be available as a free download from the FlyCast mobile website ( beginning November 1st.

The FlyCast network is the first specifically designed application to deliver radio, video and podcasts over mobile broadband and Wi-Fi networks to mobile devices. As a compelling free alternative to satellite radio, the FlyCast network has experienced explosive growth in users and content since its launch in January 2008.

Sam Abadir, FlyCast's CEO, said "With the success of the recent consumer-oriented BlackBerry smartphones, it was an easy decision for us to add FlyCast support for the BlackBerry Curve, BlackBerry Bold and BlackBerry Storm. Our focus is on giving users the best possible mobile entertainment experience and these three smartphones are excellent examples of how to effectively combine consumer and business mobile functionality. Since our network delivers a broad spectrum of content, including news, talk, sports, traffic, weather and every genre of music, we're sure that BlackBerry users will quickly embrace FlyCast."

The FlyCast Mobile Broadcast Network includes over 1000 stations from top terrestrial and web broadcasters, including Entercom, Cox Radio, AccuRadio, 977 Music, 1.FM, 1Club and radioIO. The network provides unsurpassed quality of service and paradigm-shifting features, like StreamSlip, which allows users to continue to listen to a station even during extended periods without a connection; Top of the Hour, which allows latecomers to listen from the beginning of news, talk and sports radio shows; SongSkip, which allows listeners to skip to the next song on certain webcast stations and pause on all stations. The BlackBerry smartphone version of FlyCast supports background play, allowing users to listen while they use their handset for other functions, and also supports playback through Bluetooth® stereo headsets.

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RIM updates BlackBerry developer tools

Press Release!

RIM Updates BlackBerry Developer Tools
Latest Versions Further Support Innovative, Streamlined Mobile Application Development for BlackBerry Smartphones

Santa Clara, CA - BlackBerry Developer Conference - Research In Motion (RIM) (Nasdaq: RIMM; TSX: RIM) today announced new versions of various BlackBerry developer tools that further support innovative, streamlined mobile application development for BlackBerry® smartphones. The developer tool updates include a new public beta of the BlackBerry® JDE® Plug-in for Eclipse, as well as new releases of the BlackBerry® Plug-in for Microsoft® Visual Studio®, BlackBerry® MDS Studio, and Plazmic Content Developer's Kit™ for the BlackBerry platform.

RIM continues to support innovation on the BlackBerry platform by providing developers with robust tool sets that include new capabilities and the latest advances in mobile application development," said Alan Brenner, Senior Vice President, BlackBerry Platforms at Research In Motion. "Corporate, commercial and entrepreneurial developers have the flexibility to choose the right tool to support their skill set and feature requirements, whether they are mobilizing their organization's business systems or creating new and innovative mobile applications for consumers.

The developer tool updates, available today, include the following:

* BlackBerry JDE Plug-in for Eclipse is designed for developers who want to create and test robust wireless applications for the BlackBerry platform from within the familiar Eclipse Integrated Development Environment (IDE).

New features with this latest public beta include deeper integration with Eclipse and standard Java projects, pre-processing capabilities supporting a multi-build environment, support for the BlackBerry JDE component pack version 4.3.0 to version 4.7.0, and the ability to install updates of the BlackBerry JDE Plug-in for Eclipse through the standard Eclipse software update mechanism. The plug-in is available for download at

* BlackBerry Plug-in 1.1 for Microsoft Visual Studio, enables enterprise developers to mobilize back-end enterprise systems by creating mobile applications from within the familiar Microsoft Visual Studio environment that take advantage of the features of BlackBerry® Mobile Data System (BlackBerry MDS). The BlackBerry Plug-in for Microsoft Visual Studio features a visual user interface designer that enables developers to quickly create and customize user interfaces for their mobile applications using a visual drag-and-drop approach.

New features with version 1.1 include the ability to integrate customized mobile applications with core BlackBerry smartphone applications, as well as compatibility with Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 and Windows® Vista®. The plug-in is available for download at

* BlackBerry MDS Studio 2.0, which is available as a standalone application and as a standard plug-in for Eclipse, enables rapid application development for enterprise developers to mobilize back-end enterprise systems and takes advantage of the robust feature set of BlackBerry MDS. It features a visual user interface designer that enables developers to quickly create and customize user interfaces for their mobile applications using a visual drag-and-drop approach.

New features with BlackBerry MDS Studio 2.0 include support for collaborative development, fully integrated JavaScript debugging, hotkeys support, mobile application access controls and GPS location notifications. The new application and plug-in for Eclipse are available for download at

* Plazmic Content Developer's Kit 4.6 (Plazmic CDK) for the BlackBerry platform is a suite of tools for graphical content designers that simplifies the creation of rich, interactive and colorful media for BlackBerry smartphones. This tool enables the creation of custom themes, including unique user interfaces, home screen icons, wallpaper graphics and fonts. It also optimizes rich media content for efficient delivery and use on BlackBerry smartphones.

New features with Plazmic CDK 4.6 include support for the BlackBerry® Bold™ and BlackBerry® Pearl™ Flip smartphones, and the ability to create animated content using Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) for use in themes, games, applications and web portals. The new version is available for download at

As announced earlier this month, BlackBerry JDE v4.7 (which enables mobile application development for the BlackBerry® Storm™ smartphone) is available in public beta and BlackBerry JDE v4.6 (which enables mobile application development for the BlackBerry Bold and BlackBerry Pearl Flip smartphones) is generally available.

Mobile applications built for BlackBerry smartphones can leverage the market-leading features of the BlackBerry® platform, including efficient wireless connectivity, push technology, and best-in-class security.

Developers can visit for the latest developer tools, as well as news, community forums, instructional videos, support, downloads, sample code, and other resources for mobile application development on the BlackBerry platform.

About Research In Motion (RIM)
Research In Motion is a leading designer, manufacturer and marketer of innovative wireless solutions for the worldwide mobile communications market. Through the development of integrated hardware, software and services that support multiple wireless network standards, RIM provides platforms and solutions for seamless access to time-sensitive information including email, phone, SMS messaging, Internet and intranet-based applications. RIM technology also enables a broad array of third party developers and manufacturers to enhance their products and services with wireless connectivity to data. RIM's portfolio of award-winning products, services and embedded technologies are used by thousands of organizations around the world and include the BlackBerry® wireless platform, the RIM Wireless Handheld™ product line, software development tools, radio-modems and software/hardware licensing agreements. Founded in 1984 and based in Waterloo, Ontario, RIM operates offices in North America, Europe and Asia Pacific. RIM is listed on the Nasdaq Stock Market (Nasdaq: RIMM) and the Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX: RIM). For more information, visit or

Forward-looking statements in this news release are made pursuant to the "safe harbor" provisions of the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. When used herein, words such as "intend" and similar expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are based on assumptions made by and information available to Research In Motion Limited. Investors are cautioned that such forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties. Important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements include, without limitation, possible product defects and product liability, risks related to international sales and potential foreign currency exchange fluctuations, the initiation or outcome of litigation, acts or potential acts of terrorism, international conflicts, significant fluctuations of quarterly operating results, changes in Canadian and foreign laws and regulations, continued acceptance of RIM's products, increased levels of competition, technological changes and the successful development of new products, dependence on third-party networks to provide services, dependence on intellectual property rights, and other risks and factors detailed from time to time in RIM's periodic reports filed with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission, and other regulatory authorities. RIM has no intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.

The BlackBerry and RIM families of related marks, images and symbols are the exclusive properties and trademarks of Research In Motion Limited. RIM, Research In Motion and BlackBerry are registered with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and may be pending or registered in other countries. All other brands, product names, company names, trademarks and service marks are the properties of their respective owners. RIM assumes no obligations or liability and makes no representation, warranty, endorsement or guarantee in relation to any aspect of any third party products or services.

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Thursday, October 23, 2008

Buy your AT&T BlackBerry Bold on eBay now

There's only 5 hours left of the ATT BlackBerry Bold. The current price is at $860, so you'll have to be a complete die-hard BlackBerry/ATT fan to want to pay. On the other hand, this is a super sweet device and I'm sure the price will jump considerably in the last couple of hours. If anything, we should follow this item just to see how crazy people will get. Oh yeah, and the seller has a feedback rating of 2 so you'll probably get scammed. Good luck!

(via bbforums)

© Kyle for BlackBerry Cool, 2008. | Permalink | One comment | Add to
Post tags: ATT, blackberry, bold

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Free BlackBerry Memory Size with OS 4.5 and above..easy as a click!

Hi Folks - Many would be wondering how to solve space issue in Blackberry. I am sure there are tons of ways which have already been discussed. But I am not sure if anyone notice this small improvement on OS 4.5 version (mine is 8320 curve).

Remeber "Memory Cleaning?" That could be activated by going to Options>>Security Options>>General Settings and enabling Content Protection, to get the Memory Cleaning options, but now I noticed with 4.5 OS that you don't need to do all that and "Memory Cleaning" option is available by default on the new OS. Its under Options>>Security Options and scroll down to Memory Cleaning.

After doing that, change the status to "Enabled" and make sure Clean when Holstered and Clean when Idle is marked "Yes" save and you are golden! Anytime your blackberry goes into standby mode when not using or when you key-lock it, behind the scene the Memory Cleaning will do its magic and you should never cry for space (or memory leak? eh!)

P.S: My test has gained me more than 1.5MB to 2MB many times..
